Home / About us / Our Companies / Giordano LLC USA

Giordano LLC USA

Giordano, LLC USA (a 100% branch of Giordano NL) is located in Springfield, Missouri. Driven by the strategy to produce the EggsCargoSystem (ECS) closer to customers, substantially shortening delivery time and avoiding the cost of sea transportation, production of the ECS in the United States began in 2017. Currently, collaborations are active in the United States with two plastic injection companies that can jointly produce the complete EggsCargoSystem.


3432 S Culpepper Ct Ste B;
Springfield, MO 65804

Organized in the state of Missouri
on April 20, 2023 –
Certificate #: LC014457783

P.O. Box 1275
Springfield, Missouri 65801

Legal Details

FEIN (Federal Employer Identification Number) 92-3690803
Bank: Commerce Bank; 1345 E Battlefield;
Springfield, MO 65804
Account #: 133546576
Routing #: 101000019
Swift Code: CBKCUS44


Before Giordano B.V. decided to formally establish itself in the US, it had acquired almost 15 years of sales experience in the North American market. This led many packing stations and processing plants to now work with Giordano’s EggsCargoSystem.


GIORDANO, LLC USA cooperates with various moulded injection companies who produce parts of the EggsCargoSystem under licence.
