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Shanghai GI-OVO Packing LTD

In contrast to the other Business Units of Giordano BV, the formal name of our Chinese Business Unit is Shanghai GI OVO Packing Ltd. Co. with registered office in Shanghai. In this entity, Giordano collaborates with 2 other companies, including a very famous producer of plastic materials. Asia, in general, has the largest population of laying hens and ducks in the world, which is why Giordano considers it very important to produce close to its customers. We do this not only to shorten our delivery times, but also to reduce the high costs of sea freight and duties. Also for our production in China, the quality and uniformity is 100% equal compared to productions elsewhere in the world.


Shanghai GI-OVO Packing Co., Ltd
Room 1903 No 993
Nanjing West Road, Shanghai
Telephone: +86 158 7410 2114
Email: jlu@giordanoglobal.com

Legal Details

税号 / Company’s business number:
开􀀀行: 招商􀀀行上海南西支行
Basic bank: China Merchants Bank Shanghai
Nanxi Branch
开􀀀行􀀀􀀀/ Basic bank account: 1219 5125 8110 902


Shanghai GI OVO packing Co. Ltd closely collaborates with Taizhou Plastics Products / Baiying. Besides the production of the EggsCargoSystem, this company is also co-shareholder in the firm.
