Home / Report from APAC Business Unit - 2024

Report from APAC Business Unit – 2024

One of the improvements brought about by the birth of Giordano Global is the establishment of BUSINESS UNITS.

Subdivisions, by geographic areas, of sales zones with each one having a dedicated team.

Given the previous months of April and May that have seen the APAC Business Unit engaged in exhibitions on the area we understand with them what is the situation after the first 6 months of 2024.

Asia today still represents the fastest growing poultry market globally, and this is given by a very simple fact: Asia is the part of the world where there is the fastest population growth rate, and therefore the greater demand for a low-cost protein source, as always given by chicken meat and eggs. China remains the dominant market even if, compared to last year, a strong setback in internal projects has led to the influx of Chinese producers of equipment for poultry farming mainly on external markets, in search of those turnovers that they are unable to collect from Chinese chicken and eggs producers. This has resulted in a very strong push for exports of equipment from China to all Asian markets and has therefore led all European companies to have to face even more brutal competition from Chinese companies.

From a sales point of view, excellent results were recorded in the first two months of the year, followed however by a setback in the months of March and April, before recording new growth in the month of May. At the end of the first 5 months of the year 2024, BU ASIA & PACIFIC has registered a +122% on the turnover of same period of 2023, closing the month of May with the achievement of 44% of the budget set for the year 2024.

Good sales were recorded in markets such as Malaysia, Australia and Taiwan, while interesting perspective and encouraging steps are also recorded on the Japanese and Korean markets. The new corporate investments with an increasingly qualified and large sales team give rise to the hope of being able to achieve increasingly better results and an ever-increasing presence both in terms of sales and brand awareness in the coming years.


Focus on East Asia – Japan South Korea and Taiwan

Japan, South Korea and Taiwan ROC are countries with touches and thoughts of preserving ancient heritages but with advancement knowledge of using modern technologies for farming.

Prices are relatively high in these countries no matter if the products are eggs or chicken meat (dress chicken, ready to eat chicken or ready to cook and even in restaurants). Marketing strategies plays a big role in having the products being marketed in these markets such as advertisements and packaging.

A simple glimpse of the poultry industry in these 3 countries in figures.

Japan, a country which consume fishes more than any other countries but eggs play a very large part of the living life in Japan. Japan consumes 337 eggs per capita.

There are around 1,800 layer farms in Japan with layer population of 137 million followed by 2,100 farms of broiler chicken which accounted for 139 million chickens.

Duck accounts for only 797 farms with an estimation of 262,457 and quail farms are around 456 in total with a rearing population of 3,819,000. Turkeys are less with only 113 farms with only 2,440 in rearing.

South Korea has an inventory of 197 million of chicken. The numbers are breakdown into 111 million hens for broilers, 75.2 million for layers and 10.8 million for PS chicken. Due to the regular outbreaks of Avian Influenza, the numbers are relatively lower than the past years and to make up, South Korea imports chicken meats and etc. Meat consumption per capita is around 15.3kg and for eggs, it is around 250 eggs per capita which is quite low because the populations go for pork and beef on most occasion.

Taiwan has around 1,900 farms rearing an estimated 42,506,000 layer hens which produce 80,000 – 85,000 crates weighing around 12 kg each with 200 eggs in the crates. A very old school way of transporting eggs. The consumption per capita is roughly around 347 eggs per capita which is relatively high. Taiwan is a country which required all farmers to have certificates in order to implement regulations for protecting food safety, poultry health, sustainable food supply chains and traceability systems.

For broiler, there are an estimation of 4,800 farms with an estimated 57,400,000 chicken hens and growing by the year.

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