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EIFRISCH not only represents quality, reliability and transparency. It has focussed on alternative hen-laying methods ever since its beginnings in 1974 and is a pioneer in this area. Our products undergo strict control measures and we take a responsible approach to animal welfare and meet all legal regulations.

Our company’s work is geared towards sustainability. Consumer protection, animal and environmental welfare are one of our priorities. We have been a member of KAT Association (Association for Controlled Alternative Types of Livestock Husbandry) and are certified with as IFS Food, IFS Broker, VLOG and Bio.
As one of the pioneers of GMO-free animal feed we aim to develop work processes further for greater sustainability as per our Eifrisch principle.

One of our goals is acting responsible for the benefit of current and future generations.

Eifrisch was one of the first companies in Europe to switch to the EggsCargoSystem®. The main reasons for this switch were cost reduction, quality assurance and hygiene. Cost reduction specifies in no longer having to buy paper trays, far-reaching automation in the processing of the ECS sets and especially the reduction of breakage of eggs during transport. Eifrisch has many thousands of EggsCargoSystem® sets in circulation, the oldest trays of which have been used for more than 10 years.
