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Hosberg AG


Hosberg AG

The founding family Reinhard has been practicing Bio-KAG agriculture for decades. In 1996 they founded the company in Rüti in the canton of Zurich. Their goal back then? To market organic eggs and egg products and to offer organic farmers an additional income who, for company-specific reasons, cannot set up direct marketing. In addition, more people should have access to organic products.

Today, more than 140 employees in the company focus on the production and sale of eggs and egg products from certified organic farms, the manufacture of fresh products and the expansion of the logistics platform, which extends over most of Switzerland.

Hosberg AG has been using the EggsCargoSystem® from GI-OVO since 2015. The reason for purchasing the plastic egg trays was primarily that we could reduce the consumption of cardboard trays. We also chose EggsCargoSystem to improve quality in the logistics chain, says Jonas Reinhard, Managing Director of Hosberg AG. Finally, transporting eggs can lead to breakage and the EggsCargoSystem reduces this breakage to a minimum. We were one of the first in Switzerland to switch to the EggsCargoSystem and we still benefit from it every day.

~ Jonas Reinhard
