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The IT-solutions specialist in the egg industry

In 2005, the European Food Law was implemented. This law states that the origin and destination for all eggs in Europe should be trackable and traceable. Job and Henk Beekhuis, two brothers from the Netherlands, were already working on an information system that would help resolve food safety crises. When this law came into effect, they founded Ovotrack.

Ovotrack develops, sells, installs and maintains IT solutions for the egg industry. The solutions are used in egg grading and processing and in the hatchery sector. Ovotrack’s main goal is to provide customers with inventory management, traceability and the labeling of cases and pallets. This helps improve planning as well as efficiency on the workfloor for their customers.

The systems that Ovotrack builds are used in 18 different countries all over the world, from Europe to North America, Australia and Africa. This makes the company a major player in the industry.

Innovation partners: Ovotrack and GI-OVO

Ovotrack and GI-OVO go way back: our companies have been working together for well over 20 years. The relationship goes beyond a regular working relationship between two businesses that operate in the same industry.

Over 20 years ago, Ovotrack was one of the first users of the Egg Cargo Trays. During the years that followed, the companies have undertaken joint business trips to customers and prospects all over the world. Moreover, we have worked together in the development of various products and services.

In the early 2000’s, Ovotrack developed their first solution in an egg grading center. This is where they used GI-OVO’s Eggs Cargo trays for the first time: a long-lasting relationship was born. We spoke about this cooperation with Job Beekhuis, the managing director and sales manager for the USA at Ovotrack.


Solutions that complement and strengthen each other

Over the years, the collaboration between Ovotrack and GI-OVO has intensified, Job states: “We share market information, we innovate on several products together, we address the same markets and customers with non-competing solutions that sometimes strengthen each other. Moreover, I have done various business trips together, mostly with GI-OVO’s Bert van Dijk. These trips turned out to be very successful for both of us.”

Job has fond memories of these trips. “During one of our joint business trips to the USA, we were in the meeting room of one of the largest egg producers in the country. At the time, they were not (yet) customers of Ovotrack or GI-OVO, but I can still hear their managing director say to Bert: “on behalf of the whole egg industry, thank you for the Eggs Cargo System!”. This is just one of the many memories I have of the adventures and trips we have undertaken over the years.”


“There is only one egg transport system that has been around for over 20 years”

For Ovotrack, the quality of their products and peace of mind for their customers comes first. This is one of the main reasons that Ovotrack and GI-OVO match perfectly: we share this philosophy and do not compromise on quality.

Job explains that the introduction of GI-OVO’s Eggs Cargo System revolutionized the industry. “The automation in our market would be impossible without the ECS. The transport of fiber trays cannot be automated, the introduction of the ECS completely changed the game. It allows everyone that is involved in the egg handling industry to load more eggs on a truck than with any other system, while you still receive them in the same quality as when you loaded them.”

Another great benefit is that the ECS contains a lot of different products that all work seamlessly within the same infrastructure and contribute to the same goal. These products include the quail egg trays, jumbo trays and pallet protectors.

All the components of the ECS are of the highest quality. For instance, the durable trays can be cleaned and reused, whereas fiber trays need to be recycled. The quality and durability is what sets GI-OVO apart from competing systems, according to Job: “there is only one egg transport system that has been around for more than 20 years!”

Job continues: “Basically, the introduction of the ECS has saved thousands of people’s backs, hundreds of thousands of trees because fiber trays are no longer needed and it has saved millions of eggs from breaking during transport. All in all, the system has saved a lot of money for the whole egg industry, which eventually leads to more affordable eggs.”
