Home / EggsCargoSystem® / EggsCargoSystem® XL

EggsCargoSystem® XL

The EggsCargoSystem® XL forms the perfect joint venture with all modern egg handling equipment available in the market.

EggsCargoSystem XL is developed for the transportation of larger eggs, like duck and turkey eggs. The XL system is particularly suitable for the transport of hatching eggs/turkey eggs. It makes work easier and minimizes egg breakage. In addition, the entire system is also suitable for picking up and unpacking with robots.
One pallet holds a maximum of 7.200 eggs.

4 layers
5 layers

4 layers

5.760 eggs

  • Eggs Cargo pallet = 1 pallet
  • Eggs Cargo divider = 4 dividers
  • Eggs Cargo tray = 288 trays

5 layers

7.200 eggs

  • Eggs Cargo pallet = 1 pallet
  • Eggs Cargo divider = 5 dividers
  • Eggs Cargo tray = 360 trays






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